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Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from GSD Faktoring A.Ş.
Our Business Partners
Retail and Trade Receivables Portfolios were purchased from Yapı Kredi Bankası
Portfolio purchase from Türkiye Finans Katılım Bankası A.Ş
Portfolio purchase from Türkiye İş Bankası A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from GSD Faktoring A.Ş.
Retail and Trade Receivables Portfolios were purchased from Garanti Bankası A.Ş.
Purchase of Retail and Trade Receivables Portfolios from DENİZBANK A.Ş.
Purchase of the Retail Receivables Portfolio from ING BANK A.Ş.
Portfolio purchase from Şeker Leasing
Trade Receivables Portfolio was purchased from Alternatif Bank
Purchase of the Retail Receivables Portfolio from Akbank A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Albaraka Türk Katılım Bankası A.Ş.
Portfolio purchase from Fibabanka A.Ş.
Portfolio purchase from Creditwest Faktoring A.Ş.
Portfolio purchase from ABC Faktoring A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Çağdaş Finans Faktoring Hizmetleri A.Ş. >
Portfolio purchase from Volkswagen Doğuş Finansman A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Akın Faktoring A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Analiz Faktoring A.Ş.
Portfolio purchase from T- BANK A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Türkiye Vakıflar Bankası T.A.O.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Garanti Leasing
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from GSD Yatırım Bankası
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from İş Faktoring A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Şeker Faktoring A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Şirinoğlu Faktoring A.Ş.
Purchase of the Retail and Trade Receivables Portfolio from Odeabank A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from TEB Faktoring A.Ş
Ulusal Faktoring A.Ş’Den Ticari Alacak Portföy Alımı
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Arena Finans Faktoring A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Eko Faktoring A.Ş
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Atılım Faktoring A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Ekspo Faktoring A.Ş
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Fiba Faktoring A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Finans Faktoring A.Ş
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from MNG Faktoring A.Ş
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Şekerbank T. A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Yaşar Faktoring A.Ş
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Yeditepe Faktoring A.Ş
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Optima Faktoring A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Huzur Faktoring A.Ş.
Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Lider Faktoring A.Ş.