Contact us

Please do not hesitate to get in contact with us to reach any information you require to know about your debts.


News from us

You can view the portfolios of non-performing assets that as Sümer Varlık Yönetim A.Ş., we have acquired as a result of winning the tenders for the sale of the portfolios of non-performing loans (NPLs) and our Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) notifications by clicking on the button below.


Flexible Repayment Solutions

We lead those who want to pay off their debts to financial freedom by providing them with the convenience of discounts,
and offering them repayment options either in cash or in instalments that best match their financial situation.


Payment by Credit Card

You can easily perform all of your transactions online and in your payments, you can benefit
from the advantage of the payment in installments provided by credit cards.


We are here for your satisfaction

We believe that financial success can be achieved with customer satisfaction.
We provide convenient, fast and secure payment options to all persons, whether natural persons or juridical.


ISO 10002

Sümer Varlık Yönetim A.Ş. (Sümer Asset Management Inc.) is among the organizations, which obtained the ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System certification.


Debt Inquiry

You can find out your debt quickly and easily by filling out the Debt Inquiry form in a complete and accurate manner.

Payment by Credit Card

You can easily pay your debt using your credit card, and you can also benefit from the advantage of the payment in installments provided by credit cards.

Payment Channels

You can pay your debt whether through ATMs, branches or mobile banking by learning about our other payment channels.

Get to know us closely

Sümer Varlık Yönetim A.Ş. (Sümer Asset Management Inc.) received its establishment license on 03.12.2014 with the decision of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) no 6090, dated 28.11.2014. Our company was incorporated as a joint-stock company on 09.03.2015, and was registered with the İstanbul Chamber of Commerce. Our company was granted an operating permit by the BRSA based on the BRSA’s board of directors’ decision dated 22.04.2015 within the framework of the Banking Law and Regulation governing the Principles of Incorporation and Operations of Asset Management Companies and started its operations on 28.04.2015 upon receipt by our Company of the notification served by the BRSA. Sümer Varlık Yönetim A.Ş. carries out its activities in accordance and in compliance with the relevant legislation and subject to the regulation, supervision and oversight of the BRSA.
Having adopted the slogan of “solution point”, Sümer Varlık Yönetim A.Ş. continues its activities by developing and carrying out joint projects with banks, participation banks, factoring and leasing companies and other financial institutions aimed at generating concrete solutions with fast and effective methods thanks to its expert staff in non-performing and problematic
debt collection processes Our company is a subsidiary of ASV Holding.
ASV Holding was established in 2016 by Vakkas Altınbaş, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Altınbaş Holding and Sofu Altınbaş, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Altınbaş Holding in the light of the culture of Altınbaş Holding whose foundations were laid in 1950. Altınbaş Holding aims to become a permanent and leading player in the sectors in which it operates while it is crowning its successes and achievements with a new identity after 66 years of experience.

Our Strategy

To ensure sustainable profitability by affording paramount importance to customer satisfaction.

Our Mission

To become an organization operating by complying with international norms with corporate awareness at all levels that delivers high added value to its customers, employees and all of its stakeholders.

Our Vision

To become an organization trusted by creditors and customers with its fast and high-quality services Our Portfolios

Our Values


Solution- Focused Flexible- Point of View

Our sole purpose is to generate road maps leading to the most appropriate solution for the parties and to realize these solutions.


Fast and Effective Communication

Communication is our greatest source of power. Accurate and effective communication is the biggest key to the solution. Calling us will be the biggest step you would take to reach a solution.



In our company, we always attach a great importance to customer confidentiality, and to ensure the confidentiality, privacy and security of information belonging to our company and relevant parties by taking into consideration the principles of confidentiality and accessibility of all kinds of information is among our top priorities.

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News from us


Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Lider Faktoring A.Ş.



Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from GSD Faktoring A.Ş.


Purchase of the Trade Receivables Portfolio from Huzur Faktoring A.Ş.